Development - Protocols for Uploading

Cesar User

Written at 08 Oct 2010 on 03:51

I have some questions for uploading posters:

1)When filling in the country window, do I put in the country of origin of the movie, or the country of the website I got it from, or the country where I'm coming from?

Let's say the image is a DVD front cover and is a Chinese movie, but a U.S. DVD version, would this be considered Chinese or U.S. poster/image?

2)Sometimes a DVD front cover has a header or a top banner, like "Widescreen Edition" or "Collectors Edition" or "Korean Cinema Presents"; do I need to crop-out this before uploading or are you guys okay with these headers?

Cheerio (this is how we say "cheers" in the U.S.)
lmaq Moderator

Written at 08 Oct 2010 on 14:25

1. The country of the poster, not the movie. Dvd cover country is USA.
2. It's better to cut this, very often, terrible bands. If we have not the cover, we can approve, but it's better without elements that aren't arwork
Cesar User

Written at 11 Oct 2010 on 00:46

Thanks Imaq. This clears up my question.