Development - Downloading disconnects before image fully received and credits used!
Written at 08 Feb 2010 on 22:28
This site is just about un-useable for me now, when I download posters half of them are only semi downloaded before the connection breaks, yet the credits are used.
Written at 09 Feb 2010 on 23:49
You should be able to download the (same) poster even when the connection breaks off once. This is possible for about 15 minutes IIRC - no extra credits are used then.
Written at 19 Feb 2010 on 07:23
Yeah, I'm not cool with the credit system either. It takes away credits even when the download is cancelled. Nowhere on this site - not the About, FAQ, or Homepage - does it explain this. If the system cannont be changed so that credits are taken away AFTER the file is finished downloading, then users should be advised in very clear terms that clicking 'download' will take a credit away even if the download is cancelled or the connection breaks off. Is that really too difficult? Sorry, I hate to complain, I love this site, but that's a serious problem IMO.