Written at 04 Dec 2008 on 19:08
Paying 2 credits for a poster is bad enough in my opinion and I am looking into other sources now because this is to much for a single poster and what you charge for credits at the moment.
But paying 2 credits for a garbage scan is ridiculous and this is totally unacceptable. If you want to charge these credits then they should be for high quality posters and not some crap that is of no use to anyone. I have wasted hundreds of credits on garbage and it is getting quite tiresome to say the least.
Refunds should be made available for this crap that is of no use and these posters should be deleted from this site. To approve these posters is absurd and to give someone credits for posting garbage is ridiculous.
Written at 04 Dec 2008 on 19:16
val wrote:
Refunds should be made available for this crap that is of no use and these posters should be deleted from this site.
So, you could start by reporting some and we'll be happy to delete and refund.
Also, I think credits are not so expensive: between 2,5 and 5 euroCENTS...
Written at 04 Dec 2008 on 21:19
Well I spent an hour looking through the forums and general guides and found nothing pointing to any information about how to report these bad posters.
A prominent link somewhere would be useful.
Written at 04 Dec 2008 on 22:00
A report of wrong information for a poster is in every picture in database:
. So everytime you find a bad poster just have to report it clicking it and writing what's wrong with it
Written at 05 Jan 2009 on 16:25
Yep, I can see this is a waste of time since I have reported two garbage posters that cost me 4 credits and they are still posted on this site...
Written at 05 Jan 2009 on 16:48
I only see two issues from you: one we did (changed country from US to Norway) the other one didn't come in correctly ('Please make sure this is the correct URL!!!').
Written at 05 Jan 2009 on 18:27
I have reported quite a few that are the wrong country or the wrong title but that has nothing to do with reporting a bad poster...
And I have no clue what you mean by make sure it is the right url. All I do is click on the report post button and leave a detailed explanation and I have no url to enter so if it is not "Coming Through)then there are other issues with the report a bad poster function of this site...
Written at 05 Jan 2009 on 18:41
If you look at the issue page, you see a URL field. I think it's fairly easy to understand that that shouldn't be empty!
(I suppose you know what a URL is?)
Written at 05 Apr 2009 on 12:54
I think that bad posters, are the customs. If there is a poster that i really want, even in a low Resolution, i will still download it
Written at 05 Apr 2009 on 19:32
I agree with you Billbeast, but sometimes is very difficult to detect a (good) custom.
In fact, the rule number 1 to upload says: "no customs".( you read that, Rudy)
Written at 05 Apr 2009 on 23:49
Obviously some of the 2009 posters for Friday The 13th are custom, just based on their release date, but i guess i could just report them.
Written at 06 Apr 2009 on 10:30
Friday 13th customs are marked as customs:
Written at 06 Apr 2009 on 12:48
billbeast: I'm sorry, I accidentally remove your post.
About approving customs: Some mods are doing it, but when I see a custom, I ALWAYS reject it.
Written at 07 Apr 2009 on 00:31
Thats kool, i wouldn't no how to make a good custom anyway, i could possibly make a good teaser just using an image from the film. I'll just stick to finding Aussie posters