Rafael Raga Montesinos (Ramón)

Rafael Raga Montesinos (Ramón) photo

According to various biographies, Rafael Raga Montesinos was forced to work with under nickname Ramón after he was released from prison. This was due to him being imprisoned after the Spanish Civil War for his membership with Alliance of Antifascist Intellectuals and his painting of several antifascist posters. He was also a friend and student of Spanish Poster artist Josep Renau.

This page displays our archive of 68 movie posters made by Rafael Raga Montesinos (Ramón). For more info, go to https://en.todocoleccion.net/cinema-other-articles/catalogo-exposicion-2001-rafael-raga-montesinos-ramon-carteles-cine~x128676795#sobre_el_lote.